Wednesday 23 February 2011


So - here I am in Dubai, what a place!!! Flew in over that great big building - tallest one in the world - bit like Chichester House on the Hoe only much much bigger! Had to lean across my missus though, she called shotgun at check-in, I thought we'd agreed that we couldn't do it til at least duty free, but I wasn't arguing - didn't want that hanging over us the whole holiday.
They put the Lion King on on the flight and I drifted off. Started having a crazy dream about roaming around Dartmoor and roaring my head off from the top of tors, woke up bloody growling haha!
Then I remembered they are bit dodgy about alchohol over there so I started necking as much of the wine as I could before touch down, had about 15 of those little bottles falling all over the place around me as we landed.

I like the style here too - reckon Argyle should go with a kind of traditional arab dress for the kit next season - I'll get the missus to knock up some designs to show the lads from Adidas. The lads over here all wear this sort of all-in-one thing, they call it a dishdash - that made me laugh!!!
Think I was still a bit wasted off all that wine, was all over the show trying to find the hotel, got a few funny looks.

Not down 5 minutes and the bloody phones buzzing - WHY WON'T THEY LEAVE ME ALONE! Phone Keith for christsakes, he told me he was going to spend the day listening to his Abba collection today - think he was taking the piss now I'm taking all the flak!

Menu looks cracking at this place & I can't wait to have a meal without sifting through my food to look for a stray pube someone's sneaked into my grub - they get craftier every saturday!

Oh well must dash or should I say dishdash haha! - there's a magician in the Hotel lounge I want to catch - might ask him to make this bloody phone disappear.

home and away 2011/2012?

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