Friday 4 March 2011


I had an udderly brilliant day. Geddit? Geddit?

There were too many well wishers down outside the Home Park gates today so we all took a detour. Went up to Pennywell Farm for the meeting instead. I didn’t want to go near so many pasty people anyway, just in case the dazzling whiteness of their bodies blinded me.
I had a go at feeding a lamb some milk and Keith helped collect some eggs – I had to keep telling him though ‘Keith you’ve got too many eggs in that basket, get another one for chrissakes, this is all going to end in tears! Too many eggs Keith, far, far too many for one basket’ He wouldn’t listen though, god knows how much the dry cleaners are going to charge to get all that yolk out of his trousers!
The Australian one from the Herald (Errington?) was ringing me non-stop while I was there – eventually I answered but held the phone up to a mooing cow – try quoting that!
Old Bobby Doddery grazed his knee chasing after a duck and had a little bit of a cry about it but he cheered up when he was allowed to pet one of the minature pigs.
For the meeting we sat on hay bails that the staff kindly arranged in a circle for us. They bought us some refreshing blackcurrent squash too. I was busy sharing out my presents from holiday when we got a call from Little Pete to say there was a serious looking lad marching around Home Park picking up stuff he liked and putting it in his bag.
But apparently its goods news though, apparently I’m going to have a lot more time for holidays now for some reason – always fancied a spot of ‘space tourism’ myself.
The absolute highlight of my day was meeting a talking gnome with a voice just like my Paul’s!
Been a bit of a whirlwind today really - but I’ll never forget my trip to Pennywell Farm that’s for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Please don't stop this blog it's hilarious! Really look forward to new posts!
